Layer → Text

Frequently asked questions about text layers

Charles-Axel Pauwels avatar
Written by Charles-Axel Pauwels
Updated over a week ago

How do I change the text color?

To select a different text color, click on the square next to the size selector. This will open a pop-up in which you can choose from recent colors, saved colors, or input a custom color.

What font is System UI?

The System UI font is different for different types of devices. It's the default font of the Operating System the story is viewed on. For Mac and iOS it's San Francisco, for Android it's Roboto, on Windows it would be Segoe UI. Keep in mind that since the fonts are different from system to system, the text will look different from device to device, and will probably wrap lines at different points.

How do I choose different fonts?

From the workspace settings, you can enable fonts from the Google Fonts library. Click the button below to get started. The enabled fonts will then be available for you to select in the dropdown.

Why can I not make text bold or italic?

Some fonts only have a limited number of styles. If the font does not have the style you are requesting (italic, bold, light, etc.), it will default to the closest available style.

Can I use keyboard shortcuts?

Yes! Use the keyboard shortcuts you're already familiar with, such as CTRL+B for bold, CTRL+I for italic, etc.

Can I paste content from Word or Google Docs?

You can but formatting is not guaranteed to remain. We'll try our best though!

Can I use markdown for formatting?

The content editor understands basic markdown syntax, so feel free to do so.

What happens when text flows out of the layer?

In case text flows out of the layer (due to the use of System UI fonts for instance), it will not be truncated but instead continue outside of the layer.

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