Layer → Rectangle

Frequently asked questions about rectangle layers

Charles-Axel Pauwels avatar
Written by Charles-Axel Pauwels
Updated over a week ago

What are rectangles used for?

Rectangles are great for creating separation with the background. Perfect for "cards". Simply round the corners and add a shadow to give an elevation effect to your content.

What color formats are accepted in the color input?

You can write the color in HEX, RGB or CSS color format.

How do I choose a saved color?

Click on the color square next to the input, and you'll be able to pick from your saved colors. You can also directly save the current color by clicking the "+" icon.

How do I choose a recent color?

Click on the color square next to the input, and you'll be able to pick from your recent colors.

How do I use the color picker?

On supported browsers, click the eye dropper icon in the color field, and then the second eye dropper in the popup. You will now be able to choose a color that is displayed on your screen. Perfect for matching the background to an image color.

How do I use a gradient?

Use the toggle at the top of the panel to create gradients.

Can I use radial gradients?

Unfortunately we don't support radial gradients. We recommend you create your overlay in a design tool such as Figma and add it as an image layer.

Can borders have different thicknesses?

Border can not have different thicknesses.

Can each corner have a different radius?

Corners can not have different radii.

Why can't I see the shadow?

As the shadow color is black, make sure the background is of a lighter color. It is pretty difficult to see a dark shadow on a dark background.

What is the margin?

The margin allows you to give a little space on each side of the rectangle. This allows you to have a bit more control over the positioning and alignment. Perfect for creating a grid of cards.

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