Layer → Image

Frequently asked questions about Image Layers

Charles-Axel Pauwels avatar
Written by Charles-Axel Pauwels
Updated over a week ago

What's the difference between an image layer and a background image?

Image layers are placed on the foreground, a 36 x 60 grid. This grid is guaranteed to always be visible, regardless of the phone size.

Background images are always behind the image layers, full screen, and can't be resized.

Use foreground images for logos, or images placed on a colored background.

How do the image adjustments work?

The image will always completely fill the layer shape. The adjustments allow you to move the image within the layer, so that you have more control over the way the image is cropped.

Do I need to add an image description?

Image descriptions are not mandatory, but are a great way of boosting your SEO and improve the accessibility of your Story.

Can I force the whole image to show in the layer?

Images always fill the layer, it is not possible to contain the image within the layer. Make sure the layer has a similar aspect ratio to the source image to minimize cropping, and use the margin feature for finer adjustments.

Can borders have different thicknesses?

Border can not have different thicknesses.

Can each corner have a different radius?

Corners can not have different radii.

Why can't I see the shadow?

As the shadow color is black, make sure the background is of a lighter color. It is pretty difficult to see a dark shadow on a dark background.

What is the margin?

The margin allows you to give a little space on each side of the image. This allows you to have a bit more control over the positioning and alignment of the image. Perfect for creating a grid of images.

How do I know my image is centered?

You know your layer is centered when horizontal or vertical red lines appear. These lines indicate the middle of the canvas.

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