Interactivity → Product

Frequently asked questions about Products

Charles-Axel Pauwels avatar
Written by Charles-Axel Pauwels
Updated over a week ago

How many images can I add to a product?

Products support up to 5 images. At least one image is required.

Can I re-order the images?

At the moment image re-ordering is not supported, so make sure you upload your images in the order you want them.

Can I use rich text in the description?

Rich text is not supported in the description. But you can be creative with how you build hierarchy in your descriptions.

👉 Highlight bullet points with emoji

👉 Check out app descriptions on your phone's App Store for inspiration, as the same rich text limitations apply

Can I use a currency that is not in the list?

No. The currencies in the list are the only ones supported.

How many products can I add per page?

You can add as many product to a page as you like. But we recommend adding a maximum of 5 products as the page might get cluttered with dots and tags otherwise.

How do I position the product on the page?

Use the two sliders for horizontal and vertical position to place the dot exactly where you want it.

Can I choose wether the tag appears to the left or right of the dot?

The position of the tag is always to the right of the dot, unless it would spill off the screen. You can not change this behavior.

Can product tags overlap?

Product tags can overlay, but selecting the one below might be a but difficult. We definitely don't recommend doing it.

What is a good call to action?

While the default call to action is "Shop now", we recommend you the call to action more specific. Doest the page have multiple tags for multiple flavors? "See all flavors" is a good option. Only have a single tag? "Buy now" is a classic.

Be creative and use the CTA to your advantage!

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