Interactivity → Form

Frequently asked questions about Forms

Charles-Axel Pauwels avatar
Written by Charles-Axel Pauwels
Updated over a week ago

What is a placeholder?

A placeholder is the text that shows in an empty form, and gives the person filling in the form a hint of what to write.

What is the ID used for?

The ID is a unique text that identifies the input. Once the form is published, the ID can not be changed. Think of it as the header of a column in Excel.

How many inputs can I add to a form?

You can add as many inputs as you need, but keep in mind that people might not fill in long forms and that you are charged a supplement for each question past the included 4. So the more questions, the more expensive the submission.

What's the difference between radio and checkbox?

A radio button only allows for one choice.

What is your age? 
( ) 0-18
(*) 19-35
( ) 36-55
( ) 56+

A checkbox allows multiple options.

What food do you like?
[*] Pizza
[*] Sushi
[ ] Pasta
[ ] Burgers
[*] Tacos

What are hidden inputs used for?

Hidden inputs allow you to pass data to the submission without the user entering information. This is often used for attaching a campaign ID.

Why can I not make checkboxes or radio boxes required?

This is due to required HTML only allowing form submission if everything is checked, defeating the purpose.

If you need a single checkbox that requires checking, "Consent" is the input you need.

Where are form submissions sent?

You can choose to have form responses sent to the workspace email (by default) or to a webhook, which allows you to integrate with tools you might already use.

Do you save form submissions?

No, unless you set up form encryption.

What is form encryption?

Form encryption allows us to save form submissions on our servers without being able to access the content. Only you can decrypt the content with the password you used during set up.

With form encryption you can download all form responses in a handy CSV file that you can import in Excel.

How do I set up form encryption?

Simply follow the prompts when you create a new form. You will need to create a password and send it to yourself so you can recover it.

What is a good call to action?

While the default call to action is "Swipe up", we recommend you the call to action more specific. Does the form subscribe you to a newsletter? "Subscribe" is a good option. Will the form give access to a 15% discount? "Get 15% off" works really well.

Be creative and use the CTA to your advantage!

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