Interactivity → Link

Frequently asked questions about Links

Charles-Axel Pauwels avatar
Written by Charles-Axel Pauwels
Updated over a week ago

Where can I link to?

You can link to any http or https URL that is publicly available. We recommend you link to websites that are optimized for mobile, as most Story viewers will do so on a mobile device.

Can I add UTM tags?

You can add UTM tags to the link at creation time. But you might not have to. UTM tags added to the story URL are automatically added to all link URLs. That way you can measure the UTM tags from your story to your website.

What is a good call to action?

While the default call to action is "Swipe up", we recommend you the call to action more specific. Linking to a product page? "View product" is a good option. Linking to a video? "Watch now" works well.

Be creative and use the CTA to your advantage!

Can I change the icon?

The icon comes from your website's favicon. At the moment it can not be changed. You can hide the icon if it doesn't suit you however.

How do I link to a shopping cart?

With some e-commerce platforms you can create links that automatically populate a cart and lead to a checkout page. Here are some links to the documentation: Shopify Checkout, BigCommerce

Can I link to a phone number?

While technically you can, it is not recommended as the story will freeze and make navigation impossible until the story is refreshed. It also doesn't work on laptops, desktops or tablets as they can't make calls.

We recommend getting the phone number of the viewer with a Form Interactive and call the viewer yourself.

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