Background → Gradient

Frequently asked questions about Background Gradients

Charles-Axel Pauwels avatar
Written by Charles-Axel Pauwels
Updated over a week ago

What are overlays used for?

Overlays are the perfect way to make text more legible. They allow you to darken or lighten the background image in a subtle way, increasing contrast with the text color.

Choose the direction of the overlay based on where your text will be on the page.

How do I create a solid overlay?

To create a solid overlay, start with picking one of the presets or create a custom overlay. Then make sure the start and end colors are the same, so that there is no gradient anymore. The direction doesn't matter, but make sure the offset is at 0%, unless that's the look you're going for.

Can I make a custom overlay?

Yes! Just start from one of the presets or click the "Add a custom overlay" button. From there you can change the start and end colors of your overlay, the direction as well as the offset. For more complex overlays, your best bet is to create the overlay in a design tool such as Figma and upload it as a Background Image.

What is the offset?

The offset allows you to choose how far from the edge the gradient starts. A gradient from top to bottom going from transparent to black, with a 50% offset will start from the middle of the story, leaving the top completely untouched.

Can I use radial gradients?

Unfortunately we don't support radial gradients. We recommend you create your overlay in a design tool such as Figma and add it as a Background Image.

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