Previewing your Stories

Discover how to preview your Stories or even your Story pages.

Henri Pauwels avatar
Written by Henri Pauwels
Updated over a week ago

We know how important it is to preview your work so we built 2 way to preview it. You can very quickly preview your page, or you can preview the entire Story. Here is a more in depth explanation about the 2 previews.

Page Preview

Page Preview has been created for a quick check if your page looks good on mobile. That's why the button is next to the editing canvas.

โš ๏ธ Some of experience are not as they should be. For example buttons will not work in the preview. Why is that? Basically we make a one page Story preview and as you know on the first page, you are not allowed to have a button.

Full Story Preview

Previewing your entire Story will be in the Story Publishing or the ๐ŸŒŽ in the tab on the left of your screen.

Press the big green button with generate preview.

Then, give us a few seconds and we'll generate a QR code that you can scan on your phone, and a preview link that your can paste in your browser.

This is how it will look.

Tappable will display a QR code that you can scan with all sized phones. It will preview your page design directly on your mobile.

In iOS you can used the camera app to scan the QR. With Android you will have to use a QR code reader or use the QR code reader from Chrome.

Press open and Tappable will open a new tab where you can preview your page design on desktop.

โš ๏ธThe preview is only valid for 24h

But let's say you want to check out the design of your story, but still not ready to publish your story on the web and allow the world to see your work. Well, that why we have create a private preview that will expire in 24h.

This is really handy if you want to show your work off to your colleagues or make a quick trial.

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